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Sometimes, when a person is full from his or her last meal, he or she still might try to push down a dessert or snack without thinking. It’s frustrating, because many people do this while they are simultaneously trying to gain control of their overeating habits. That is why learning to eat intuitively is crucial to master for good health.

Eating intuitively means letting of the obsession many people have with food. It means giving up on the idea of dieting, because it has been proven not to work. It is basically a way to truly understand fullness and hunger, and mastering one’s thoughts and feelings about food and his or her body.

Types of Eaters

Intuitive eating is not common among people, and it doesn’t come naturally. Most folks are either careful eaters, professional dieters, or unconscious eaters.

Careful eaters watch every crumb of food that they eat. They don’t think they are dieting, but they really are. Professional dieters diet consciously, and they do so constantly. Even when they take a break from dieting, they are usually planning a subsequent diet. Lastly, unconscious eaters don’t really pay much attention to what they are eating. They stuff their faces while multitasking and don’t really give much consideration to whether they are hungry or full.

Guidelines on Eating Intuitively

It is actually simple to learn how to eat intuitively for any type of eater. Here are just a few of the guidelines to keep in mind:

  1. Set realistic weight loss goals. Body acceptance, regardless of current shape, is essential.
  2. Choose food that is healthy, yet delicious. Eating should be about enjoyment.
  3. Don’t think of food as healthy or unhealthy. All eaters need to splurge at times so no one should feel negatively for doing so.
  4. Learn to enjoy movement and activity as much as eating.
  5. Learn about the specific ways the body signals fullness to the brain, and stop eating emotionally or out of boredom. 

Not Feeling Guilty

A person shouldn’t try to change everything about the way he or she eats overnight. If one attempts to do a complete overhaul in a couple of days, he or she will fail. Instead, it is important to take small steps to change how one looks at food, which will lead to an altogether healthier lifestyle.

In conclusion, staying aware of what one eats, acknowledging splurges, and not being so strict with oneself are all parts of intuitive or explorative eating. Giving it a try will certainly lead to weight loss and better health.